Macbook Aluminium makes funny clicking sound while apparently not charging

The title really says it all. My Macbook Alu had run out of battery and died; when I plugged it in, the light on the power plug did not ignite, and I thought nothing was happening until I noticed a steady low ticking sound emanting from the top left of the keyboard. I tried to google it, but didn’t find anything interesting (I have to admit I didn’t spend too much time researching, as it was via Opera Mini on my N82….).

After listening to the steady ticking for a few minutes, I unplugged and reconnected the power plug, which promptly lit up like it usually does, and I’m typing this on my Macbook. Funny.

I wonder if perhaps the ticking is the Macbook’s way of saying it is doing some low-level charging of the battery?

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3 Responses to “Macbook Aluminium makes funny clicking sound while apparently not charging”

  1. Mark Says:

    I have the same issue. Did you happen to find a work around?

    The service station employees say they can’t reproduce the sound. It is at random intervals.

  2. Are Wold Says:

    No, I didn’t – I haven’t had this happen more than once. I think it has to do with how the hardware works when the battery has suffered a deep discharge, but that is really just guesswork.

  3. Shermenti Says:

    i’m having the same problem, however it has nothing to do with the battery charging. my battery is full, and the status on my mac says “Charged,” however i still get random clicking noises. even when the mac is muted, it does it. it sounds like it is coming out of the speakers though. it’s annoying!

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